In the News: The state of Arizona is getting ready to drop Common Core (Merry Christmas kids) and institute its own standards. Among the new requirements is a mandate for students to become proficient in cursive. If I may editorialize for a moment: this is a terrible idea. Cursive is harder to read, harder to write, and next to useless in the age of computers. The process of learning it is rote and intellectually unstimulating, and frankly our students deserve better. Hey Arizona get with the program! We're heading into 2017, not 1957. Learning and Leading: Just in time for the holiday break: TeachThought examines 5 ways teachers can communicate with students outside the classroom. Method #5? Blogging. Happy holidays everyone. See you next year.
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October 2017
CategoriesAbout the AuthorHello Everyone! I am Mr. Wightman, I am your school librarian for the rest of the year, and I am solely responsible for the content of this blog. |